There is still time to get your commitments in! Click on the purple button below. 

Ignite is our general fund that supports annual ministry initiatives through the upcoming year.

When should I turn in my intent card?

You can either fill out the digitalcard above at any time or bring the paper copy you receive in the mail to Commitment Weekend Nov. 12 & 13. If you forget a paper copy, no worries! We will have extra.

When should I make my first contribution?

This commitment is for gifts given Jan1 – Dec. 31 of 2024. However, some people choose to increase their giving now so that they don’t forget.

Income Giving

Income giving supports our annual minsitry initiatives. Here are some ways you can help:

1) Move to Tithing- 10% of income

Moving to tithing can be a big step, but it is so important! With your increased gift, we can expand our ministries to go where God is leading us.

2) Increase giving by 1-2%

A full jump to tithing may not be realistic, but taking a step forward in faith might be a great challenge for you/your family as we continue to impact the world through our generosity. 

3) Sign-up for automatic recurring giving

Recurring giving helps the church plan and execute our Spend Plan with a greater sense of certainty not dependent on weather or attendance. The mission never stops!

Online Giving

Click below to go to our giving page to set up or change giving.

  • You can give a one-time gift
  • OR you can set up recurring gifts
  • Make sure to choose the 2024 Ignite General fund (or 2024 CoChildCare Ignite)
  • Please call the office if you have any questions: 303-972-1283

Planting Hope is our 18-month capital campaign to raise money for facility improvements and for the Nature School. 

If you haven’t already done so, there is still time to commitment and be part of this incredible campaign! 

As you are deciding your commitment level for 2024, please continue to be in discussion about how you can participant in Planting Hope.